About Us

Our main aspiration is to create exceptional products that stand out and provide maximum satisfaction to our customers. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our clients working on the most striking projects. Our customers are among the top 10 global publishers of digital entertainment in Africa

Years on the market
yearly growth IN 2021
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Clients ready to recommend US
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highly skilled SPECIALISTS
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Our Values


We are equally happy to see people of any gender, age, race, orientation and religion in the company. Offensive or demeaning jokes, innuendo and memes on such topics are unacceptable.


Our work is built on mutual trust. We trust our colleagues as real professionals who are responsible for their work, and they are firmly convinced that the company will fulfill all its obligations regarding them.


Our company strives to make all decision-making processes and procedures as clear and transparent as possible. We maintain open communication within the team, and all decisions and expectations are always discussed together.

Creative Passion

All of our specialists are absolutely committed to their work, so each project is backed by exceptional involvement and creative fervor. Thanks to this, we always manage to achieve results that exceed the expectations of our clients.

Cooperative Spirit

All departments work harmoniously for a common result and always ready to help each other if there are any difficulties. No one is left alone with their issue: we adhere to the principle of all for one and one for all and know how to work in a team.

Open Door Policy

The company has a developed culture of open doors, where any request, proposal or wish can be addressed to either any of the directors or to the CEO. We welcome new ideas and always implement them if they are useful to optimize work processes and achieve excellent results.